Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Lorax?

It's time to take some action
We need a defense reaction
That will take up arms against those who pollute
No longer can the world afford to just follow suite.


This is a story of a sphere of land
Where once upon a time there was no supply or demand
This place was called Earth
And this Earth gave birth
To googles of life that lived their lives with great mirth

The Earth looked so blue
Because it not only had land, there were oceans too
And the Garoos and Hifters that lived in that place
With their neighboring Barows and Nebuls did deeply embrace
Their own love of the different shapes
The land and ocean and air would take

In Barroulous caverns the Barows lived with Spekows and Kains
While Garoos and Hifters lived upon wide open plains
And the Nebuls swam among coral reefs in deep blue water
Little did any of them know
That their good friends the Rotoh
Were beginning to discover things about their planet
Such as how to make countertops out of granite
That one day would lead to their slaughter

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