Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Creating Incentives for a Greener Planet

I really enjoyed reading the materials on Van Jones because his initiatives make sense on how to appeal to all sorts of different people about the importance of our environment, which gives me hope for the future. His theory on green-collared jobs really grabbed my attention because I have often wondered if it was common for workers to know how to "greenize" a building. Apparently, a lot of training is needed, but that's where legislation can come in to help fund the training of such jobs for low-income families.

It would be wonderful if Mr. Van Jones' actions continued to proliferate and green jobs could be available to those who needed them the most. What is so fascinating about this idea is that not only would there be more self-sufficient "green" buildings, but so many people would be learning new skills to help maintain our planet versus destroying it. Not to mention, it's a self-sustaining idea because if so many people learn this new trade, then they will be learning it in an eco-friendly context, so hopefully it would mean that the environment would become of greater importance to these people. In the end, making greener behavior a norm versus a trend just may decrease the costs of eco-friendly products, making people's choices towards the environment a lot easier.

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